πŸ‘‹ Hello there, I am Pengwei!

I am currently a Research Associate at Harvard Medical School DBMI, working with Zitnik Lab. My research primarily focuses on developing therapeutic agent systems that are simple, deployable, and interpretable, particularly for applications in drug discovery, precision medicine, and life sciences.

Previously, I spend some time on Insilico Medicine working on target identification platform analysis. Before that, I obtained my MS in Computer Science at Columbia University, where I was fortunate to work closely with Dr. Weiyan Shi as part of Columbia NLP. I received my B.S. in Computer Science from University of Sydney, advised by Prof. Zhiyong Wang with a First Class Honours.

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Research & Papers

(*equal contribution)
KokoMind: Can LLMs Understand Social Interactions?
Weiyan Shi*, Liang Qiu*, Dehong Xu, Pengwei Sui, Pan Lu, Zhou Yu
BibTeX / Code / Website / Twitter
Learning Implicit Credit Assignment for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Meng Zhou*, Ziyu Liu*, Pengwei Sui, Yixuan Li, Yuk Ying Chung
NeurIPS 2020: Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Presented at RL Theory Workshop of ICML'20
PDF / BibTeX / Code